Hello and thank you for stopping by my about me page. My name is Jay Gaulard and I currently live in Maine, USA. I arrived in Maine during the latter part of 2013 and have been enjoying my stay quite a bit. Maine is an incredible state and I have to say that I’m surprised, yet pleased, that it’s not more popular than it is. Only a handful more than one million people live in Maine on a permanent basis and that’s fine with me. Where I live, there’s virtually no vehicle traffic and the people are friendly. That’s what I was after and that’s what brought me to northern New England.
This site contains a fleshed out version of what goes through my mind as well as tons of photos and commentary regarding some of the adventures I find myself on. While much of what I currently and have recently shared pertains to Maine, I do have some exciting ideas for the future. I’m by no means limited to the area.
Please take a look through my blog. There, you’ll find posts about hiking, travel, lifestyle, nature, cooking/food, writing, photography, and much more. I’ve been blogging and photographing since 2005 and recently decided to set this website up with the idea of quality over quantity in mind. You can count each post being an informative and entertaining piece that’s able to stand on it’s own.
My current interests include exploring what the world has to offer (travel + lifestyle), writing short stories as well as blogging, amateur photography, filmmaking, cooking, and building/restoring things.
If you’d like to contact me, please feel free to email me at jay [at] gaulard.com. You may also click the links below. Thanks!
PS – These are some fun photos I’ve had taken through the years.
PPS – Would you like to read my personal journal-style blog? You can do that by visiting JayGaulard.ME. Thanks!

PS – I also run two other blogs. If you’re interested in taking a look at them, please feel free. They are Gaulard.com and RecipeJay.com. Thanks!
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