Laura and I moved to western Maine in November, 2013. We had just ended a six-month stint in Florida and after a three day road trip, arrived in what we would soon discover as a winter wonderland. Our childhoods and early adult years were spent in the northeast, so we almost knew what types of seasons we’d be in for in Maine. The reality of it was that Maine winters are far more exciting, yet frigid, than anything we’d yet to experience. The first one – the 2013/2014 season – was especially cold. Beginning in late December, the temperatures dropped to -20° and they seemed to stay there for an entire month. It was incredible. That particular season was also filled with snow. We made it through storm after storm and it seemed like spring would never arrive. I can remember walking out of our front door, down the sidewalk, between piles of snow that stood at least six foot high. Each storm seemed to dump at least a foot of snow on the area – and each storm seemed to distance itself exactly a week after the previous. I was told that the 2013/2014 season was an outlier because the previous season offered almost no snow at all. I guess that’s the way things go. One never knows what to expect.
Through our years in Maine, I’ve written countless blog posts about our winter experiences, each with a markedly and incrementally more horrid name than the previous. I began with titles such as “Our First Winter Dig Out” and ended with titles such as “Another, Another Winter Storm.” I had nowhere to go with naming each post and it seemed as though having such an accumulation of similar, yet not very timely, articles wasn’t beneficial to anyone who might stop by to visit my website. Even I was getting lost in all the stories about and photos of snow.
To organize things, I decided to create this one rolling post. It’ll be about our winters in Maine. If either Laura or I ever develop the inclination to look back upon our years and exciting adventures between the months of November and April, of any year, we’ll have a place to do just that. Right here.
Below, I’ll continuously add photos, and perhaps a bit of commentary, that describe our times in the snowy cold of Maine. Perhaps I’ll only add the most interesting, well taken, or descriptive winter photos I can manage to capture. We’ll see what happens. As I said, this post will be updated as necessary. Enjoy the pictures.

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